Friday, December 11, 2009

Limit Medical-Marijuana Dispensaries

The Los Angeles City Council delayed a vote on the medical marijuana ordinance asking the officials to return next week with information on how many dispensaries could be close because of the location. Tamara stated that the council members would endict in a vote to reduce the number of store fronts and to push them out of neighborhoods and into industrial areas. With many dispensaries opening, it became a problem that the officials had to pin point. They stated that there were many illegal cash businesses that had little to do with medical care. These new guidelines help benefit the actualy use of the marijuana despenses. For people with actual medical uses of it. They doubted it but considering the new regulations they believe it would work. "Medical-marijuana advocates said they were against "arbitrary caps" on the number of dispensaries, but said the new regulations proved that it is possible to regulate medical marijuana on a large scale."

I agree with putting up a limit or a guideline to selling marijuana for medical use. With LA passing the marijuana ordinance, only people who acutally need marijuana are using it for medial reasons rather than benefiting from illegal cash businesses. I believe that it is not the right thing to do. While dispensaries are being closed down because of the locations by schools and homes makes it easier to get a hold of marijuana and to use it for their own benefits. The limit helps us keep in control of the substances and where it goes.

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