Friday, December 11, 2009

Commentary on Baltimore's Mayor Convicted

I believe that she should be forced from her office. I believe the things she did was wrong. Stealing from the needy of about 1500 dollars is a big chuck of money for freee! As I do agree with my classmate Marsha Sweeney, I also think that she should recieve the normal sentencing and following the rest including community service and therefore. Stealing money is a crime that she can not get away from. Just because she is the mayor of Baltimore does not mean she is able to take advantage of her position. She has to take complete notice of what she did and pay for her wrongful doings. How can a mayor for Baltimore steal from the needy? All the money she recieved was suppose to go towards the needy and she even had witnesses that she stated that it was actually going towards the needy. She even lied. Overall I believe whatever sentence she gets, she needs to rethink about what position she is taking up. The position of mayor only shows the citizens of Maryland a little more about her.

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