Sunday, September 20, 2009


The unemployment rate has jumped to its highest peak ever since June 1983. Stating that this is not a good time to quit your current job. Even though the jobless rate rose so much more than they have expected, about 216,000 jobs were lost. They expect the job rate to rise dramaticaly. The economy started to add over 100,000 jobs just to keep the unemployment rate stable. They stated that about 14.9 million people were out of JOBS! Considering how our economy is down, and times are hard, how is it possibly for so many people to quit there job and live without money? Knowing that its already going to be hard to find another job, people still tend to either quit or get fired. The total jobs lost since the recession began in December 2007 to 6.9 million, indicating the biggest decline in ANY post- World War II!

Many Americans began getting so discouraged that they even stopped looking for a job, yet by far the largest number since the Department of Labor started tracking it in 1994.

Experts say that the rebound will be most unlikely. People getting laid off makes it that much harder to get back on their feet just because they got fired for sometimes no reason. Analysts expected businesses to be reluctant to hire anyone until they are sure about our economy's health, hoping to jump into recovery. The government even lost about 18000 jobs.

The job rate is ridiculous. I had thought that the government issued a stimulus that would help people out there get a job? I thought that the money that we received was going towards opening up more jobs and positions so it would help prevent the job loss.

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