Thursday, October 8, 2009

A pandemic

Dr. David L . Lakey states that the Worlds Health Organization of pandemic alert is at phase 6 which seems to be the highest level. He strongly urges that we need to be ready and prepare for the worst situation as in any natural disaster. H1N1 flu was the new virus everywhere stretching from Iceland to New Zealand leaving the death tolls rising. The pandemic definition reflects its geographical spread rather than the severity of illnesses. Theres many ways he says that you can do to help prevent the flu by good “health practices such as staying home if your sick, covering coughs and sneezes and washing our hands frequently and thoroughly.” The virus is still an unknown and unpredictable substances to the health departments. During the time of the flu we all learned a lot in the last few months of it and its not going away. All DSHS and the local health care departments worked together with the hospitals for support in fighting the virus. All these actions were meant to help protect Texans and all around from the unknown virus.

I believe we are in the middle of a serious virus out there that can easily kill us. Without all the help from the health care departments and DSHS we wouldn’t be able to have any vaccines. I do believe that the actions we must take to help reduce the spread of the flu by taking vaccine distributions and other safely precautions such as washing hands or simply just coving your mouth once you sneeze can easily help prevent any illnesses to come. We need to be ready for what’s worst to come and in the state before it, avoid it in any way possible.